Monday, September 30, 2019

Kindergarten and Children Essay

The early year’s sector was not developed by government policy with specific aims but was created in response to the requirements of families to change economical and social factors. Therefore public expenditure focused on families with social needs and difficulties. Local authority day nurseries catered mainly for children who were at risk from harm mainly in deprived areas. The Private sector held childminders, nannies and private nurseries available. The playgroup movement developed during the 1960s where parents set up and ran provision for their own children to learn through play in village halls and other community facilities. Families requirements for their children vary some parents want care for their children so that they can return to work, some parents want to stay with their children while they socialise, some parents want their children in settings which offer services aimed at learning. Others may want their children to be in a home based environment but unfortunately not every family can afford to pay provision fees, therefore the early year’s sector has various forms of provision to meet the needs of all families. The childcare provision includes: Mother and toddler groups  A place were the toddler can socialise with other children their age, whilst the mother or father can stay and learn more ways to look after and help with the child’s development Pre-school A private nursery, one that is paid for by the parent do not hold compulsory hours, the child doesn’t have a primary school place already. This is for a younger child to gain confidence at an early age. Day care A day care is for children from the age of 3 months to 5 years, they have different classes for children of different ages and the parents can drop off the child and pick them up when they wish. Some parents only take the child in for one or two hours a day so that they have some interaction with other children and have new experiences. Creche A creche is a drop in centre childcare provision, the parents do not pay a monthly fee they only pay when they need such childcare, creche’s are in many different places such as gyms, shopping centres and churches, in these areas the children are looked after whilst the parents can work out, shop or pray. The childcare sector has changed vastly in the last 50 years along with society. Mothers have stopped staying at home and also passed on primary care to nannies or child minders. More childcare settings have been needed as a result of this. The government offer all 3-4 year old children free day care in nurseries such as my setting for up to 15 hours a week, this means mothers can go to work etc. leaving their child there in the care of nursery teachers, practitioners and nursery nurses. Identify current policies, frameworks and influences on the early years sector [pic] [pic] [pic] United nations convention on the rights of the child. Founded in 1989 by world leaders who decided that children needed a special convention for those under 18s because they often need special care and that the government has a responsibility to take measures to make sure children’s rights are protected, respected and fulfilled. All children have a right to adequate food, shelter, clean water, education, health care, leisure and recreation. The act also protects children’s rights by setting the standards in health care, education and legal, civil and social services. The four core principles are: Non-discrimination. Devotion to the best interests of the child The right to life Survival and development Respect the views of a child All children up to the age of 18 are protected regardless of race, religion, gender, culture, whether they are rich or poor have a disability, what they do and don’t say and what language they speak, no child should be treated unfairly. The best interests of the child must always come first when making decisions that can affect them. The EYFS works at setting the standards for learning ensuring that children make progress and no child gets left behind. The education Act Free childcare provisions were introduced for under five year old children as stated briefly previously. Since September 1st 2010 this rose from 12 and a half hours a week to 15 hours a week. The free entitlement provides access to education and care and the hours can be flexible over the week, all childcare provisions must use the EYFS and help young children achieve the five Every Child Matters outcomes. Describe what is meant by evidence-based practice and give examples of how this has influenced work with children in their early years. Evidence based practice is a framework of decisions made from effective information researched that influences practice and allows practitioners to apply their knowledge to a situation which allows them to make a well informed decisions on future actions. Professional practice requires these findings and research to be kept up-to-date and a consideration as to how these can be applied to settings. Sometimes, we need to be sure of what we find out before taking action as it might not be real or true. This is why it is so important for me to communicate and concerns or queries to my team. My everyday practice is influenced by what I have found out or learnt previously as a mother but also professionally through watching my nursery teacher and practitioners and learning as I go. It has been interesting to see that I am heading in the right track as a parent but excited to learn things I hadn’t even thought of previously for my own children that I can not only use in the setting but also bring home for my children to benefit from. An example of how research has influenced working with children is The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) which is the first main study in the UK that focuses on the effectiveness of early years education and studies young children’s intellectual, social and behavioural development at age 3 to 7, collecting a wide range of information on more than 3000 children, their parents, their home environment and the pre-school they attended. Its findings found that children who had attended early years provision were more likely to have better cognitive, social and behaviour skills when they started formal education than those who had no early years provision, also confirming the value of early learning through ‘play’ especially from low-income families. Key Elements of effective practice (KEEP) is another example. It stressed that effective learning in children is dependent on secure relationships. Learning through play and forming secure relationships are both key elements to the EYFS. With formal and non formal observation schedules and reflective practice, there is quality of care, learning and development and accountability as staff may require training and review of procedures and policies in order to keep up to date with new evidence in the provision of health and education. Explain what is meant by Diversity Diversity is the differences between individuals and groups of people in societies. These differences could be gender, ethnic origins, social cultural or religious background, family structure, disabilities, sexuality or appearance. Equality Equality means that individuals in society experience opportunities to achieve which are as good as the opportunities experienced by other people. Inclusion Inclusion is a process of identifying, understanding and breaking down barriers to participation and belonging. Explain the importance of anti-discriminatory/anti bias practice, giving examples of how it is applied in practice with children and carers The curriculum within settings should represent the different cultures of the children within it to promote anti-discriminatory and anti bias practice, as does my setting. We include positive images within the play areas for example in books and on posters which allows our children to view pictures of different races, disabilities, sex and age which promotes an anti-bias view of the world we live in. We also have children within the setting who have special educational needs which also brings it to life for all the children to encourage this acceptance into their lives. The setting creates an environment which is acceptable to all children regardless of their background, along with being able to make them feel welcomed. We ensure they are all valued and have access in every aspect of the provision. We also have had the pleasure of meeting practitioners who are from different countries which also helps the children relate to equality within their lives. Explain how the active participation of the children in decisions affecting their lives promotes the achievement of positive outcomes. Children need to actively participate in decisions that will affect their life. Children that are young need to make simple choices that enable them to find out their likes and dislikes not only for themselves but for us to then plan activities that meet their needs and challenge their abilities, it can be as simple as having a choice between an apple and a pear. This will enable them to express their needs and wishes. Letting the children make choices builds a child’s confidence, self esteem and their social skills. In our setting the children make choices all the time, this will be when a child makes a choice on what they want to do or who they want to do it with, these are simple choices that a child of pre-school and nursery age can make for themselves. This will enable the child to develop more and make choices later on in life that are more important such as, relationships, what course to take at college, whether to gain a qualification, what job they may undertake or even when to get married etc. These choices will all be big decisions that could affect the rest of their life. We as practitioners need to actively listen to the child’s choices and other ways that they may be able to communicate their wishes such as pointing, pictures, signing and any other non verbal means of communication to find out what the child or family actually want or need. We need to understand that children have voices and that they should be heard. Providing that they or others are not in any significant harm, their wishes should be listened to and followed. Examples of how children in our setting actively participate in their own choices include area of play, choice of activities during free flow time, choice of healthy food and drink available to them, choice of actions (good or bad, with intervention when necessary). Again, by giving them these choices it will help them to make small decisions in life and will enable them later in life to extend this to bigger decisions that affect their lives and will help future experiences. It also enables our children to learn to build up confidence, self-esteem and social skills by themselves and sometimes, with our guidance. Explain the importance of reviewing own practice as part of being an effective practitioner The quality of provision in any early years settings is dependent on the skills, attitudes, knowledge and experience of everyone who works there. Reflective practice is the key to quality improvement as it helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different aspects of a setting’s provision. Reflective practice is the term used to describe the way in which professionals evaluate their own work and consider ways of improving their work. It is important to do this, as each year a different set of children and parents join the setting. They may have different needs, expectations or interests. Activities, routines and polices may have to be changed or updated to accommodate the new families. Reflecting on practice will help to see where changes need to be made. Staff are developing all the time too. Their knowledge and skills may change due to extra training or new staff having new ideas. National standards and frameworks may also change so this may have an impact on how the setting is run. To reflect on my own practice I tend to critically question what I do and see whether it works or whether there is room for improvement by asking my team for feedback and advise. I am also new to childcare as a profession rather then parent so I am constantly taking things in and using support from my team as motivation to improve my own strengths and target my weaknesses. I tend to observe the reactions of children, parents and the team to help think about my effectiveness, but at the end of the day voicing any concerns is the best policy and my team will always come to me when needed. Especially in areas I may think are working well, I like to think about what skills and knowledge are helping me achieve this or whether I can become more efficient. In areas of weaknesses I always think of ways to improve and pick up hints and tips from my brilliant colleagues who are more then happy to advise. I may need more training in the future when I fell more experience is needed such as first aid etc. I find reflecting on my practise helpful as it gives me a clearer picture of what I actually do within my work role for my setting, and how I can make myself a valuable asset to my team. This itself gives me more confidence of my ability as practitioner and confidence to know that everybody can improve to provide the best care for all our children as I reach higher standards as I progress. Undertake a reflective analysis of own practice Being a reflective practitioner involves thinking about how you currently work and evaluating what you do in order to improve your practice. The reflective practitioner stands back, takes a balanced view and recognises what works well, but is also able to acknowledge what could be changed. To be a reflective practitioner you need to be self aware and able to look as objectively and honestly as possible at how you work with children, colleagues and parents. This is not easy, but taking a proactive role, reflecting on and analysing your own practice is far more rewarding than relying on someone in a more senior position to do this for you. Evaluating your own practice helps to put you in control of the changes that should be made, enables you to identify your professional development needs and will increase your confidence and feelings of job satisfaction. Reflective practice and self evaluation are fundamental to the Ofsted inspection process. By completing the Self Evaluation Form (SEF) managers and setting leaders are able to provide a snapshot of what happens in a setting. Through the SEF they can clearly identify the setting’s strengths and highlight what it does well. At the same time they can acknowledge any weaknesses in provision and plan the changes and improvements to be made. However, managers cannot achieve this alone. They are reliant on all practitioners in the setting taking responsibility for the quality of their individual practice and aiming for continuous improvement. As practitioner I want to be a good role model for the children in my setting by being enthusiastic to their efforts, positive and optimistic towards their abilities and good choices but also as I understand children are active learners I wish for them to be as enthusiastic as I am with their learning and development. I always aim to show a relaxed expression and warm tones in my voice that I can pitch higher as I express enthusiasm. I try to get the children eager to get involved especially in planned activities that are designed to assess the children individually as it is important for me to know each child’s specific needs etc. I am aware that my relationships with the children, parents and colleagues are not only important for the setting environment but also for our children to understand how to treat others and how peers and teamwork is important in life. I treat others how I wish to be treated and respect all my team as individuals professionally as well as getting to know them and enjoying their company during work hours. It is a pleasure to work with a great group of people who are passionate about giving our children a great start in life which, in turn also gives me the motivation to thrive and provide the best care I can for my colleagues and children. I actively listen and am taking in lots of information and advise given verbally or through watching others. This is active learning and it is a cycle within the work setting. When I talk to my colleagues it is in a professional manner with interest and respect. I am also willing to help in any way I can to maintain an efficient smooth running setting. When I talk to the children in the setting I try to relate to them, coming down to their level with interest and listening to anything they have to say. They will always ask questions that I will answer as honestly as I can. I am always intrigued to know their likes and dislikes and by getting to know each individual child helps in this area. It is always nice to following up on their ideas by discussing every thing with the nursery teacher who will then advise. I try my hardest to make every parent feel welcome and at value what they tell me especially when it is about the importance of their individual child. It is important to maintain relationships with everyone as not only does it help me provide the best care I can but it also makes the place a very strong place to be as we are helping these children thrive and flourish to take these abilities with them through life. I try to help the setting by being proactive in solving problems as they arise but I will come to my team in times of need. I definitely need to continue to actively learn through my team but also establish a personal style and accept we are all different and all give a different benefit to the team. I started off with little confidence as a parent you never quiet know what boundaries you can cross with other children such as how stern to be when they make bad choices etc. Now I am much more confident and relaxed in my approach but I am always learning, every day I learn something new. I need to communicate and not be afraid to ask my nursery teacher if I misunderstand a task given to me. I made the mistake of setting out an extra activity that didn’t help what the nursery teacher had planned as I assumed bowels were left out for it when in fact they were forgotten about and not put away. The nursery teacher was busy and so I tried to use my initiative but it was not a good decision. I should have waited to speak to my tutor and seek advice. This is what I shall do in the future. I tend to learn from my mistakes! Develop strategies to deal with areas of difficulty and challenges encountered in professional practice in early years settings Examples of areas of difficulty and challenges that may arise in the work setting between myself and parents of children include: Parents not collecting their child on time – getting later and later Parents with outstanding fees Parents with a complaint e. g. they claim a child has hit their child Speaking to a parent about a concern you have about their child (you feel that the child has specific needs, and you are worried how they may accept/not accept it). Parent has been discriminating against another parent (possibly verbally to the other parents). These issues are not only very sensitive to each individual family but they all require handling with professionalism and respect as a parent myself you need to feel valued and listened to and made aware that the dilema will be dealt with promptly and effectively and in confidence. This is why having full and comprehensive policies and procedures within my setting is important and relevant at these times to follow. When speaking to parents, if they came to me with a concern or complaint I would listen, really listen, even if they start to shout, often they just want to say their piece. Then if they have cause to complain or bring something up I may be able to deal with it there and then by speaking in a professional manner, without making it personal. If I am able to resolve it, I will try, if not I would this to the nursery teacher as she is a very good active listener and always wants the best for our children, parents and team. It is very important to maintain relationships as we would hate to tarnish the settings name we really do enjoy our involvement and helping our children the best way we can. To me it doesn’t matter how small the concern is – it’s important for that child and their parents, and I want to assure those parents I take things very seriously in order to resolve issues. When a parent needs addressing for issues such as a concern about their child or fees are owed then the nursery teacher will deal with this matter by forms of letters or arranging a meeting to speak in confidence regarding the above. If a parent has come to me or the nursery teacher with a complaint about another parent I would have to have a quiet word or arrange a meeting to say ‘It has been brought to my attention that you have been speaking about another parent unkindly/discriminatingly. ‘ They may interject here and say ‘who said, they are lying? But I would just have to remember to say something such as ‘†¦ I am not at liberty to say, but whether it is true or not I must remind you we are an equal opportunity setting who celebrates diversity and cultural beliefs. Remember to explain sensitively and nicely that you are duty bound to make sure all the children and families are treated equally, and you would do the same for their child, if you felt they needed your support. But currently it is the responsibility of the nursery teacher and so I would talk to her about any such issues.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Beijing Sammies Essay

The AGROVOC Concept Server (AGROVOC/CS) Workbench is a web-based working environment consisting of numerous functionalities for the distributed management and enhancement of the AGROVOC/CS built from the AGROVOC thesaurus. Following the Semantic Web’s vision, that emphasizes collaboration in the development of data and metadata to be shared and reused across the web, the management of AGROVOC will progressively be transferred from a few individuals in FAO to a wider community of international AGROVOC experts. These interested and competent users will share the collaborative maintenance and extension of AGROVOC, one of the most frequently used terminological resources for agricultural information management in the world. Maintenance of the future extended AGROVOC will thus be completely decentralized with people worldwide contributing to its development. This report provides a brief note on the technical aspects of the AGROVOC/CS Workbench. Technical details †¢ Multilingual web interface and content (UTF8). †¢ The software is developed in pure JAVA (version 1. 5. x), with no calls to any third party modules requiring precompiled DLLs or other operating system specific features. †¢ The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is used with an Eclipse plug-in for development of the system. It is used to build the system as a fully Java based AJAX client browser application that is compatible with all common web browsers. †¢ Where possible the JSP 2. 0 Expression Language (EL) is used for any JSP development within the project (it’s a way of writing script-less JSP pages). Protege OWL api framework is used to connect OWL. †¢ MySQL is used as RDBMS. †¢ The system is DBMS-independent. Additional database abstraction layer for interacting with the OWL backbone and the relational database will be used (e. g. the hibernat e persistence and query service, etc. ). The system follows FAO guidelines for HTML publishing: †¢ Guidelines for Web site development; †¢ File naming convention and file organization guidelines; †¢ Check list for the clearance of Web sites. In summary, the system is based on the following components: Development components †¢ Eclipse 3. 2 †¢ JAVA-JDK version jdk1. 5. x †¢ Apache Tomcat (that supports JSP and JAVA Servlets) Google Web Toolkit (for AJAX framework), version 1. 4. 60 †¢ Google Web Toolkit Incubator, version 1. 4 †¢ Protege OWL API 3. 4 libraries †¢ Hibernate 3. 0 libraries †¢ Hibernate 4 GWT, version 0. 5 RC2 †¢ MySQL version 5 Server side †¢ Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Linux †¢ Apache Tomcat 5. 5. 9 or higher †¢ JAVA-JDK version jdk1. 5. x or higher †¢ MySQL version 5 or higher †¢ Protege OWL API 3. 4 libraries †¢ Hibernate 3. 0 libraries †¢ Hibernate 4 GWT, version 0. 5 RC2 †¢ WAR file with compiled JAVA files and necessary libraries Current Server Configuration †¢ OS : Debian GNU/Linux 2. 6. 22-2 †¢ CPU: AMD 64 bit †¢ Memory: 8GB †¢ MYSQL version: 5. 0. 45 TOMCAT Version: 6. 0. 14 †¢ Java-JDK: 1. 6. 0_04 Required Application 1. MySQL version 5 or above Available link to download: http://dev. mysql. com/downloads/ 2. Apache Ant version 1. 7. 1 or above Available link to download: http://ant. apache. org/ 3. JAVA JDK version jdk. 1. 5. x or above Available link to download: http://java. sun. com/javase/downloads/index. jsp 4. Apache Tomcat version 6 or above Available link to download: http://tomcat. apache. org/download-55. cgi 5. Protege Version 3. 4 beta Build 130 Available link to download: http://protege. cim3. net/download/old-releases/3. 4%20betas/build-130/full/ 6. GWT Version 1. 4 Build 1. 4. 62 Available link to download: http://code. google. com/webtoolkit/versions. html The Step of Configuration 1. Download AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench code from the CVS Server. 2. Download the sql script from CVS Server at folder named sql. Create the database. †¢ Run the sql script file located at your_directorySQLadministrator_agrovocwb _v_0_2_beta. sql This will install administrator_agrovocwb database. †¢ Run sql script file to install the owl model database located at your_directorySQLlank model _v_0_2_beta. sql Here we have provided blank owl model. †¢ You can convert owl file directly to database by using stand alone java program located at: our_directorysrcorgfaoaoscsserverprotegeconvertToDatabaseProject. java †¢ You need the change the variables in the file. |18 private final static String url = â€Å"jdbc:mysql://†; | |19 private final static String table = â€Å"†; | |20 private final static String user = â€Å"†; | |21 private fina l static String password = â€Å"†; | |22 private final static String uri = â€Å"file:/c:/†; | 3. To add model in the ontology list, go to database and table and insert new row with these values. Ontology id: (Auto increment) †¢ Ontology Name: Blank Model †¢ Ontology Description: AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench – Blank AOS Module †¢ Database URL: jdbc:mysql://:3306/? requireSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 †¢ Database Driver: com. mysql. jdbc. Driver †¢ Table Name: †¢ Database Username: †¢ Database Password: †¢ Display Ontology on the list: 0 for hide and 1 for Show 4. Use java editor to †¢ Change the configuration of the hibernate file that located in your_directorysrchibernate. cfg. xml Change the property of your connection password instead of â€Å"your_password† and change the property of your connection url instead of â€Å"your_url†. 13 your_password | |14 jdbc:mysql://your_url | †¢ Change the configuration of the database properties that located in your_directorysrcorgfaoaoscsserverow lDatabaseConnection. properties Change the property of your username of database instead of â€Å"your_username† and change the property of your password of database instead of â€Å"your_password†. |4 userAdminDB = your_username | |5 passwordAdminDB = your_password | †¢ Change the configuration of the mail file that located in your_directory srcorgfaoaoscsutilityMail. properties Change the property of your host name instead of â€Å"your_mailserver_host†, change the property of your port instead of â€Å"your_port†, change the property of your user instead of â€Å"your_user†, change the property of your password instead of â€Å"your_password† and change the property of your from information instead of â€Å"sender_email†. |1 host=your_mailserver_host | |2 port=your_port | |3 user=your_user | |4 password=your_password | |5 from= sender_email | †¢ Run build file to create war file using Apache ANT. 5. Copy the war file to folder of tomcat installation directory. 6. You can use the program by opening your browser and type †¢ http://localhost:8080/your_project_name

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Taxation - Essay Example Therefore, progressive taxation means that the rich pay more taxes compared to those earning minimal wages. On the other hand, regressive tax compels the poor to pay a higher percentage of their income compared to the rich. Buffett’s views are not in isolation because the American taxation system has been criticized as being regressive (Mikesell, 2014). It is possible that Buffett made his claims based on mistaken calculations. A close analysis of the basic federal taxation principles reveals that it is impossible for his receptionist to be paying a higher percentage of tax. Warren Buffett has a higher total taxable income compared to his receptionist. Evidently, the tax he is supposed to pay represents only a small percentage of his income. On the other hand, his receptionist and other workers who have a lower total taxable income face the compulsion of paying a higher fraction of their income as tax. In addition, it is possible that Buffett took into account the employer-paid payroll taxes that his receptionist does not pay. The inclusion of such taxes made his receptionist seem to be paying a higher percentage. Therefore, the federal taxation system is not regressive. Unfortunately, Warren Buffett’s claims do not have any substantial evidence (p.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Bacteria cross contaminants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

Bacteria cross contaminants - Essay Example After 24 hours of growth on both MacConkey and r2a plate, small growth was observed in all the samples. Similarly after 48 hours, large colonies were observed on both media for samples ec1 and ec2 but this was relatively higher on ec5 and ec 6.After undertaking Gram staining, it was observed that all the samples on both media had Gram positive bacteria. Catalase test indicated positive results on all the samples. According to the result findings, the most probable bacteria identified were all cocci, bacilli, and spirilla. Besides, sample ec5 and ec 6 seems to have high levels of cross contamination. These tests have been explored in the next section. Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background By definition, Cross contamination is the transfer or physical movement of bacteria that are harmful from one place, person or object to another. It is a major factor which contributes to food poisoning, and it consists of 4 common sources that include people, work surfaces, food and equipment. Harm ful bacteria live in or can be on our bodies, particularly around or on hands and faces as well as on clothing (McKillip, 2011). Due to the fact that they exist in small numbers they never cause a disease. If it happens that, there is a transfer of these bacteria from the clothes or bodies to food, and then given a chance to multiply, it can lead to food becoming unsafe to be eaten. Bacteria have the ability to multiply and live in any crevices and cracks in equipment including the chopping boards surface cuts. After using the equipment, food bits with bacteria can remain. If there is no proper cleaning of the equipment, there will be transfer of bacteria to another food when it is used next. Surfaces including bench tops might have bacteria on them as a result of contact with people, also dirty equipment, raw foods or other things like cartons stored on the floor can contribute. If there is no proper cleaning of bench tops, there might be bacterial contamination of any food that is placed on them. The main objective of the study was to ascertain the level of cross-contamination during cleaning in an office environment 1.2 Main Concepts and Theory Cross contamination is a major factor which contributes to food poisoning. The contaminants (Bacteria) can be transferred from the clothes or bodies to food, and then when given a chance to multiply, it can lead to food becoming unsafe to be eaten. Bacteria have the ability to multiply and live in any crevices and cracks in equipment including the chopping boards surface cuts. Most of these contaminants are harmful to humans and can cause diseases when they enter the body. 1.3 Objective of Research To determine the level of cross-contamination during cleaning in the office environment 1.4 Structure of dissertation. The dissertation is divided into 6 sections; first section covers the background of the main concept explored in the study, second section explores literature review on methods and type of bacteria found i n the study, this enabled the understanding of the available methods that have been ever done successfully then borrowed the idea to the current study. It also allowed the understanding of the characteristics of various bacteria applicable to the study so that the information got can assist in the classifying and identifying the bacteria found

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pullotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pullotion - Essay Example Here comes the main problem of this millennium: the insane destruction of the environment, as we think that we are in secure, which is far from the truth. A warm evening in a fun and friendly company once has completely changed my inner world. One day my friends and I after dinner in the restaurant decided to walk along the coast. We were laughing and having fun, and nothing seemed to be able to change that. But this time the coast wasnt pleasant. Everywhere were dead swollen fish, black sand and the stench in the air. The childhood memory has arisen, though it was more than 15 years ago. It was a bright sunny day. I was looking forward to go with my parents to our favorite place on the Persian Gulf. Finally, it was the long-awaited meeting with the sea. I run to the shore, but everything was not as usual. Ugly oil stains fettered once azure water. On the white sand blackened terrible spots, and around were lying suffocated fish and black bodies of birds. Seagulls with feathers stuck together could not take off. The place which once was beautiful now has resembled an apocalyptic picture. I picked up a dying bird, trying in any way to help her and could not hold back my tears. Mom said it was all because of war, but then I could not even understand the full horror of the word. War destroys our lives, suddenly breaking into a cozy and familiar world. Even if the military battles are not taking place around of you, the horrors of war will catch you up in a place which seems to be rather peaceful. Thus, the large oil reserves are not only the Gods blessing. It is these deposits of oil which became a stumbling block between Iraq and Kuwait. On August 2, 1990 the territory of Kuwait was invaded by numerous Iraqi soldiers and Iraq announced the annexation of Kuwait. Hundreds of thousands of people fled the country; thousands of the remaining were arrested or killed. Iraqis looted or burned almost all civilian objects and set fire to 700 oil wells. Almost a year after

Analysis of Letter to the American people Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Letter to the American people - Essay Example to dissolve in religious frenzy that prompts him to submit: â€Å"(Q2) As for the second question that we (bin Laden) want to answer: What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you? (1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam. (Letter). Thus bin Laden is merely a religious salesman and because of this does not possess the credibility to speak for the Islamic world regarding other issues. Firstly, the charges he levels against US support of Israel seem vacant in light of certain realities. He accuses us, saying, â€Å"As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple: (1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us... You attacked us in Palestine.† (Letter) Of course by this he means through our support of Israel, Palestinians have suffered. Or does he? Many critics point out that al Qaeda has been conspicuously absent from any efforts to help the Palestinians in any way other than vocal support for suicide bombers, the satisfaction of which is reflected in his statement... "Think not of those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive with their Lord, and they are being provided for. They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them from His bounty and rejoice for the sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve. They rejoice in a grace and a bounty from Allah, and that Allah will not waste the reward of the believers." [Quran 3:169-171] (Letter) He attempts to prove a point, and it’s a religious one having nothing to do with the Palestinians securing their own state—a position forwarded by many American diplomats over the years and just recently given as a stated goal of the Obama administration. This goal, as it appears at the moment, comes over the objections of the new Israeli leadership. â€Å" attacked us in Palestine,† is a clear effort to connect the Palestinians with

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Which city should hold the common wealth games montreal or kuala Essay

Which city should hold the common wealth games montreal or kuala lumpur - Essay Example It was then set to be held in Montreal. In 1946 the event was temporarily abandoned following the outcome of the war and has henceforth continued beginning 1950. The Commonwealth Games as an event normally sees such sporting activities as athletics, boxing, fencing, golf, gymnastics, tennis, Taekwondo, netball, rowing, rugby wrestling and weightlifting, just to mention a few, take place. In total, 21 sports have been approved by the Commonwealth Games Federation for the event. The games are categorized into three; core sports, optional sports and recognized sports. In every Commonwealth Games event, the core sports must be featured at the very least. Several optional sports may be picked for playing by the host nation. The recognized sports on the other hand can only be picked if the federation’s requirements in respect of the same have been fulfilled. Hosting of the international event is normally a privilege to the host country as it stands to gain in various aspects. The host country gains economically, socially and politically while at the same time receiving international attention and recognition. The massive influx of tourists and sport participants sees the host country earn a lot of foreign exchange as its nationals offer services to the visitors. Furthermore, the country’s gross domestic product for the year is bound to increase following the increase in business before, during and after the event. Two cities that have sought to host the Commonwealth Games are Kuala Lumpur and Montreal. The paper discusses the two countries in view of their suitability as hosts for the international event. Based on the discussion, a conclusion will be made stating which of the two cities is more suitable as host to an international event of this capacity. The Commonwealth Games is an international event that attracts several athletes, participants, commentators, media, organizers, business organizations, government agencies and international

Monday, September 23, 2019

Laughter & Nutrition ( Creating Healing Environments) Assignment

Laughter & Nutrition ( Creating Healing Environments) - Assignment Example This video was relevant because it presented a soothing and comical approach to handling troubles of a person. It showed that the things that the individuals not in the video thought were so sad or wrong could not be so bad. They eventually found relief after thinking that they had been experiencing a horrible time. It shows that everything doesn’t have to be so gloomy even in places where gloom is prevalent. The context of the funny video resonated with the stressful experiences of the individuals I was helping to deal with stress. Eventually, they could identify with it and laugh and things unfolded. The video presented an example of coping humor. It has therapeutic capabilities of making people release their tensions and face situations more bravely and relaxed (Dossey and Keegan, 2012). The grass-fed beef is a food that is rich in antioxidants, Vitamins C, E and beta carotene. This is a better alternative from grain-fed beef because it is lower in fat and richer in Omega-3. Dossey and Keegan (2012) assert that foods rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins reduce the stress responses. Grass-fed beef contains these components and thus appropriate for consumption in the case. It can be prepared by frying. Preparation and cooking involves making small cuts of the beef, heating a pan containing a small amount of oil, seasoning with ingredients such as garlic and finally heating until the beef pieces are brown and cooked. The use of humor to relieve the embarrassment and tension that the recovery nurse faced shows the significant potential of handling of dealing with panic and confusion. The nurse finally recovered and did everything as required. This shows that a stressed person can cope well when he receives relief from his/her troubles. Pressure and increased demands to act in a certain way without errors can cause a person to fail. When this pressure is eliminates, as in the case of using a spoof of Justin Timberlakes

Sunday, September 22, 2019

GENETICS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

GENETICS - Assignment Example In connection with this, it is evident that biotechnology has led to the introduction of hybrids of plants and animals through cloning and gene therapy. It is also apparent that employment of biotechnology in the medical contexts has enhanced the production of effective medicine. However, the ethical issues surrounding the application of biotechnology in real life situation are diverse and convincing. For instance, Coulter, Myers and Varacalli assert that the extensive use of biotechnology has led to human beings being used as the instruments of biotechnology. In connection with this, it is also evident that biotechnology has resulted in biological manipulations (Morris, 2006). It has distorted the profoundly human activities such as those associated with receiving and nurturing life. The production of genetically modified foods has also raised public concerns in many developed countries. Majority of the people believe that the food crops generated via biotechnology may result in fatal health complications (Morrey & Sherlock, 2002). Additionally, it is evident that the introduction of genetically modified organisms hampers with the marketing of organic

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Rhetorical Devices Essay Example for Free

Rhetorical Devices Essay The definition of an anecdote is a story that is very short that either explains or emphasizes a point that is trying to be made. In my speech when I was explaining that soccer has affected the paths that my life has taken including schools and friends, I used the short story of getting recruited for soccer at the high school and collegiate level, which is also where I met my best friends. In Bekah Diehl’s speech making the point that the saying â€Å"the only fear is fear itself† she said she not scared of the fear of baseballs, but rather the ball itself. The story she used was with her friends playing catch with the baseball around her. The conclusion is the final part of a speech that closes it and ties it all main points together. In the conclusion the thesis is stated, the main points are summarized, and a clincher is said to leave the audience with. The conclusion for my speech was that soccer has made me a well-rounded individual and has shaped the person that I am today. My favorite memories have included playing soccer and my teammates. When I step on the field I am free. I would not be the same person today if soccer was not in my life. In the closing of Bekah Diehl her conclusion that was her fear of baseballs is real and something she has to deal with. However, she takes comfort that her she doesn’t have a phobia of something else and that her phobia could be of something worse.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Models of Strategic HRM: British Airways Case Study

Models of Strategic HRM: British Airways Case Study Strategic human resource management may be observed as an address to the management of human resources that furnish a strategic framework to sustain long-term business goals and outcomes. The approach is concerned with longer-term people issues and macro-concerns about structure, quality, culture, values, commitment and matching resources to future need. Comparison with the Model: Fiedler Contingency Model Bath People and Performance Management Leadership membership Relationship which is the most important variable in determining the situation favourable (Accept and respect by followers) The development and successful implementation of high performance work practices, partially those concerned with job and work design, flexible work resourcing (recruitment, Selection and Talent Management), employee development (increasing skills and extending the skills base), reward and giving employees a voice; The degree of task structure which is the second most important input into the favourableness of the situation(structured task) The formulation and embedding of a clear vision and set of values (the big idea) The leaders position power obtained through formal authority which is the third most important dimension of the situation.(Great deal of Authority and power are formally attributed to the leader position) The provision of support and advice to line managers on their role in implementing HR policies and practice. Reason for the importance of HRM in Organisation: Human resources are great significance to organizations in 10 specific areas, to extent from strategic planning to company goodwill. HR practitioners in a small business who have well-balanced expertise equip a number of services to employees. The areas in which HR maintains control can enhance employees perception of HR throughout the workforce when they believe HR considers employees to be its internal customers and renders services with that in mind. There have ten importance of Human Resource Management in the organization. Strategy Compensation Benefits Safety Liability Training and Development Employee Satisfaction Recruitment Selection Compliance Strategy HR improves the companys bottom line with its knowledge of how human capital affects organizational success. Leaders with expertise in HR strategic management participate in corporate decision-making that underlies current staffing assessments and projections for future workforce needs based on business demand. Compensation HR compensation specialists develop realistic compensation structures that set company wages competitive with other businesses in the area, in the same industry or companies competing for employees with similar skills. They conduct extensive wage and salary surveys to maintain compensation costs in line with the organizations current financial status and projected revenue. Benefits Benefits specialists can reduce the companys costs associated with turnover, attrition and hiring replacement workers. They are important to the organization because they have the skills and expertise necessary to negotiate group benefit packages for employees, within the organizations budget and consistent with economic conditions. They also are familiar with employee benefits most likely to attract and retain workers. This can reduce the companys costs associated with turnover, attrition and hiring replacement workers. Safety Employers have an obligation to provide safe working conditions. Workplace safety and risk management specialists from the HR area manage compliance with U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations through maintaining accurate work logs and records, and developing programs that reduce the number of workplace injuries and fatalities. Workplace safety specialists also engage employees in promoting awareness and safe handling of dangerous equipment and hazardous chemicals. Liability HR employee relations specialists minimize the organizations exposure and liability related to allegations of unfair employment practices. They identify, investigate and resolve workplace issues that, left unattended, could spiral out of control and embroil the organization in legal matters pertaining to federal and state anti-discrimination and harassment laws. Training and Development HR training and development specialists coordinate new employee orientation, an essential step in forging a strong employer-employee relationship. The training and development area of HR also provides training that supports the companys fair employment practices and employee development to prepare aspiring leaders for supervisory and management roles. Employee Satisfaction Employee relations specialists in HR help the organization achieve high performance, morale and satisfaction levels throughout the workforce, by creating ways to strengthen the employer-employee relationship. They administer employee opinion surveys, conduct focus groups and seek employee input regarding job satisfaction and ways the employer can sustain good working relationships. Recruitment HR recruiters manage the employment process from screening resumes to scheduling interviews to processing new employees. Typically, they determine the most effective methods for recruiting applicants, including assessing which applicant tracking systems are best suited for the organizations needs. Selection HR professionals work closely with hiring managers to effect good hiring decisions, according to the organizations workforce needs. They provide guidance to managers who arent familiar with HR or standard hiring processes to ensure that the company extends offers to suitable candidates. Compliance HR workers ensure that the organization complies with federal state employment laws. They complete paperwork necessary for documenting that the companys employees are eligible to work in the U.S. They also monitor compliance with applicable laws for organizations that receive federal or state government contracts, through maintaining applicant flow logs, written affirmative action plans and disparate impact analyses. Explanation and analysis of an HRM framework Explanation of an HRM Framework: External Context (Fixed Effect) Labour Law Labour Market Condition Characteristics of labour supply. Factory Specific Characteristics Location, size, age, capital investment, product, vertical integration, buyers and work place philosophy. Defect Rate, Employee Turnover, Absenteeism and Production efficiency. Productivity Output , Sales, Profits. Explanation of the HRM process and how strategies are developed Human Resource Management Process There could sub functions in the HRM Process in practice. The key areas of HRM Process are Human resource planning Attraction also called as recruitment Selection Directing Training and development Performance appraisal Promote, demote or transfer regarding to performances The HR Strategy development process should contain the following steps: HR Information Gathering The team has to complete the information about different HR Processes, their performance and their impact on the profitability of the organization. The profitability can be difficult, but the team can always make a good estimate about the impact of the process to the results of the organization. Organizational Development Information the information about the development of the organization in the past and its current status. Each organization has several stages in its organizational lifecycle and some trends in the organization are healthy and some trends are extremely dangerous and can impact the future profitability. HR Workshops when the input information are gathered the HR Team has to organize the workshops inside Human Resources, where the piece of the new HR Strategy can evolve. The teams should discuss the findings one by one and all the ideas should be gathered as they can impact the overall HR Strategy. HR Managerial Workshops the information from the previous HR Workshop with employees should go to the next level and the HR Managers should talk about the trends and the topics, which should be included in the HR Strategy and what is the impact on the whole organization and the HR team. The results of the HR Managerial Workshops have to be recorded and the priorities of different parts of the story have to assign. Preparation of the HR Strategy a dedicated HR sub-team has to prepare the story of the HR Strategy from the approved outcomes from the HR Managerial Workshops. The story has to be strong and appealing for the audience and HR employees. HR Strategy Feedbacks the HR Management Team has to present the pre-final version of the HR Strategy to the fellow managers in the organization and their feedback has to be appreciated and fully and honestly discussed with the managers. The same session has to be organized for the HR employees as they can say their feedback to the HR Strategy Story. HR Strategy approval the HR Strategy has to be approved by the top management as they are the final customers of Human Resources and they should fully agree with the way, the HR wants to operate in the organization within several years. An Assessment of the Roles in Strategic HRM HRM is central to a firms strategic management policies. For starters, the business cannot implement its operating strategy, however astute, without the full cooperation of its personnel. Consequently, corporate leadership makes sure to get employees buy-in before rolling out operating tactics. HRM also enables organizations to take a peek at what rivals do and what personnel management strategies they use to trump others. Another HRM advantage is that it allows a firm to ensure regulatory compliance in its operations, which is generally a money saver and reputation builder. Assignment Two British Airways Human Resources (HR) strategy a. Human Resources Management (HRM) models There are many HRM models out there (Harvard, Michigan, etcâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦) but there are mainly three different approaches (Torrington, Hall and Taylor 2008) to achieve competitive advantage through HRM. The universalist approach described by Guest (1989) as a one size fits all i.e. derived from the best practices philosophy also supported by other academics e.g. Delery and Dory (1996), Pfeffer (1994) but some others are also questioning how easy it may be to shift focus of the organisation (Whipp 1992) and even to achieve the goals (Purcell 1991). The fit or contingency approach that can be found in Fombrun et al (1984) is based on both internal and external fit and focus on selection, appraisal, development and reward. This model has been criticised mainly because of its one-way relationship with organisational strategy. The resourced-based approach (Boxall 1996) is built on attributes of resources. To achieve competitive advantage, resources should be Valuable, Rare, Inimitable and N on-substitutable (VRIN). B. British airways HRM aspects: To define the HR model used by British Airways, we should first analyse the main aspects of its HR Management: creating motivation and commitment of all employees which continue to play a major part in the success of the company. some of HR measures are clearly designed to improve and support employees motivation (British Airways Plc. 2010). a remuneration scheme with profit sharing and encouraged share ownership, this is an effective way for employees to feel more involved in the companys results (British Airways Plc. 2010), training and development are instrumental to ensure resources will be able not only to feel valued in the company but also will be able to enable business objectives achievement (British Airways Plc. 2010) diversity and inclusiveness is seen as a key aspect in the recruitment strategy, this includes genders, ethnicities, religions, etcâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦ (British Airways Plc. 2010) c. HRM model used by British Airways: The aspects depicted in the previous paragraph show that the internal resources are linked (KPIs, ownership, etcâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦) including the human resources. As described above we also realise that human values are in the middle of British Airways strategy. As quoted page 236 of the 4th edition of Managing Change (Burnes 2004), Hax and Majluf (1996 p. 10) state that: The essence of the resource-based model â‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦ [is] that competitive advantage is created when resources and capabilities that are owned exclusively by the firm are applied to developing unique competencies. Moreover, the resulting advantage can be sustained due to the lack of substitution and imitation capabilities by the firms competitors. British Airways used a Resourced Based Model to achieve above average profitability by developing VRIN (Value, Rare, Inimitable, Non-substitutable) resources (Barney 1991). To substantiate this (Parker 1999), let us go back to the mid-nineties when the group started a portfolio analysis and defined the level of criticality of its operations. Based on this review, decision has been made to outsource resources (including human resources) that are not key to the core business. As other major corporations, they retained the strategic components (VRIN) and outsourced the routine activities. This decision helping the group to achieve outsourcing goals i.e. costs reduction, higher quality of services, agility and better focus on core business to meet the business objectives as defined in the introduction. d. Limitations of the Resource-based model There is no perfect model, or else there would only be one. But what are the ones of this model used by British Airways? Burnes (2004) mentions the lack of empirical support and also the complexity and ambiguousness of the resources definition. By design, the model is more focusing to the internal resources than on the external competition e.g. there is no link with the product markets, it may be difficult to find VRIN resources. There is also little evidence that many firms have adopted the model. Task 2: British Airways merged with Iberia in 2011. Analyse the impact of the merger on strategic HRM at British Airways. This MA briefing note provides an overview of the merger of British Airways and Iberia which led to the formation of a new firm International Airlines Group (IAG) Background BA and Iberia had developed strong links over many years: BA acquired a 13% stake in Iberia in 1998 BA Iberia started co-operation and route-sharing in 2003 BA first made a bid for Iberia in 2007 Impact of the continued economic downturn led to the resumption of merger talks in 2009 The Deal The initial announcement: Merger of British Airways and Iberia announced in November 1999. BA shareholders get 55% of the new company; Iberia shareholders get 45% BA and Iberia to  continue  their existence as airline brands New company called IAG plc, with shares listed on both the London and Madrid stock markets IAG initially estimated  £349 million of annual cost savings by the fifth year after the merger A quarter of the cost savings to come from IT and back office efficiencies + savings on maintenance and purchasing Implementation cost of the merger estimated at  £350 million. The final merger agreement Definitive (legally binding) merger agreement finally signed in April 2010: Merger details took two years of complex and often strained negotiation Creates Europes third-largest airline group: behind Lufthansa (90 million passengers p.a.) and Air France-KLM (70 million passengers p.a.) Combined scale would have an aircraft fleet of 408 planes, carrying more than 58 million passengers a year Willie Walsh (previously CEO of BA) to become the new CEO of IAG On the day that the shares of IAG first traded (Jan 2011), the market capitalisation of the firm was  £5.6bn Key motives and  drivers  of the merger: Very much a merger that looks to the long-term. Industry consolidation a process that has already begun and is expected to continue over the next 10-20 years 2010: combined airline losses (whole industry) of almost $3bn in 2010 BA and Iberia seen as well-matched businesses that complement each other BA strength: North American Asian routes and destinations; Iberia strength: Latin America BA gains better coverage of key routes in Latin America Structure designed to allow IAG to participate in further consolidation (i.e. more takeovers) Further takeovers by IAG would be judged on whether they could meet or enhance a target of 12 per cent return on capital. What happened next? IAG takeover of British Midland International (BMI) Announced November 2011 BMI a loss-making subsidiary of Lufthansa (losing approx  £160million per year) Deal subject to  clearance  from the Competition Commission and the European Union Significant opposition from  Virgin  Atlantic   the main competitor affected by the deal Main rationale BMIs extensive landing  slots  at Heathrow which will be used to add British Airways flights to destinations in emerging markets A possible short-term drawback to IAG: the takeover adds to the groups capacity at a time of weak demand for air travel The main risks facing IAG Unforeseen external events (e.g. disruption to travel caused by volcanic ash) Industrial relations a constant thorn in the side of management at BA Iberia BAs pension fund liability a shortfall of  £3.7bn The global economy demand and profits closely linked to the global economic cycle Key quotes relating to the merger Prof Peter Morrell (Cranfield University): Theyve come up with various cost savings that they can get out of the merger of the companies. These are on things like procurement, IT, maintenance. These are the things they can get from a merger which arent really available from alliances. Ashley Steel, head of transport at KPMG: the creation of IAG heralds the start of an exciting era of airline consolidation, with further marriages of convenience as pressures on costs and revenues continue to increase. Willie Walsh on the day the merger was confirmed: Our goal is for more airlines-but, importantly, the right airlines-to join the group. Today is the first step towards creating a multinational, multi-brand airline group., 23/12/2012, 20:46 PM Impact of Merger in British Airways: British Airways and Iberias stock stopped trading Friday as the BA-IB merger officially took effect, to be replaced in both the London and Madrid markets by International Airlines Consolidated Group stock on Monday. Based on combined passenger count, IAG is now Europes fourth largest carrier group after Lufthansa Group, Air France KLM Group and Ryanair. Both airlines shareholders approved the merger in late November (ATW Daily News, Nov. 30, 2010). The carriers will continue to be separately branded. The commencement of IAG was clouded Friday by Unite unions notice that BA cabin crew voted overwhelmingly to take further strike actions, the latest salvo in the long-running dispute between the airline and its flight attendants (ATW Daily News, Dec. 22, 2010). Surely BA management must now wake up and listen to the voice of their skilled and dedicated employees, Unite stated.This dispute will be resolved by negotiation, not litigation or confrontation, and it is to negotiation that BA management should now apply itself. We are ready. The union said 75% of 10,220 eligible voters cast ballots, with over 78% voting in favor of more work actions.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Dynamics of Marxism Essay -- essays research papers

The Dynamics of Marxism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Human relationships have always been dynamic. Change and adaptability have gone hand in hand with the passing of time for human society. Karl Marx’s views on Industrialization and the bourgeoisie had a major impact on how we view our industrial alignment today. Marx and Engel’s The Communist Manifesto gives broad views on the subject of the middle class and how they fit into a society that was ruled by feudalism and aristocracy. Capitalism becomes a major topic in a socialist-based society that underwent many changes as industrialization progressed. A government must be dynamic in its nature reflecting the change in society. At times aristocracy has refused to allow society to adapt to the changes that the bourgeoisie have gone through. Charles Dickens’ â€Å"Hard Times† offers a distinct view of the conditions of middle-class worker during this period of change. Revolution of the working man is discussed and many principles are brought out to dictate the way that many of these workers were treated during this time. Karl Marx’s theory of economic evolution addresses some of these points that are brought out in â€Å"Hard Times.† Marxism and economic theory of Marxism was formulated in the 19th century. Karl Marx is said to be the greatest thinker and philosopher of his time. His views on life and the social structure of his time revolutionized the way in that people think of socialism. He created an opportunity for the lower class to rise above the aristocrats, but failed due to the creation of the middle class. Despite this failure, he was still a great political leader and set the basis of Communism in Russia. His life contributed to the way people think today, and because of him people are more open to suggestion and are quicker to create ideas on political issues. Marx is unique from other philosophers in that he chooses to regard man as a human being, not a piece of meat. He believed that a man’s struggle comes from man’s awareness of himself as an individual and as something separate from nature. He sees that history is just the story of man creating and re-creating himself, and that a â€Å"god† has no part in it. This is a major reason why he left his C hristian background behind and converted to Communism. Marx also says that the more a man works, the less he has for himself. These views support his arguments... ...lutionized a nation with his in-depth analysis of a society that was having industrial success, but being torn apart socially at the same time. He did not want industrialization to go he wanted the socialist to wise up with their thinking. His impact on England shows, but he also had impact on other countries. His views carried over into other powerful countries such as the Soviet Union and China. If it were not for Marx, the then Soviet Union and China would not be the same as they are today. They would positively be operating through a different government today. Karl Marx is considered to be a revolutionist of England and the father of Communism. Some may question his views and possibly his religious beliefs, but he can still be labeled a revolutionist. â€Å"In these troubled times, to believe in the possibility of helping to make the world a better place, and to commit ones life to that, makes one a revolutionary (Le Blanc 44).† Karl Marx exemplifies many of the quali ties that we have found in many revolutionists that have changed the world that we live in today. His views are still cherished by many European minds and taken heed when creating structure in society.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Open Boat :: essays research papers

The Open Boat is a particularly interesting story because of the great detail that author extends and because of the solitary reflections of the characters in consideration of their demise. The story possesses amazingly vivid description. This attention to detail affords the reader the greatest degree of reading pleasure. Crane paints such glorious images in reader's mind with his eloquence. "The morning appeared finally, in its splendor, with a sky of pure blue, and the sunlight flamed on the tips of waves"(387). Artistic sentences of such caliber are not often found. The reader is left with a terrific vision of the perilous sea maintaining its beauty amongst the violence of the wind. "Their back- bones had become thoroughly used to balancing in the boat and they now rode this wild colt of a dinghy like circus men"(378). Here, again, Crane uses splendid detail to capture the essence of the chaotic situation. Another attribute to the story is the insight which the third person narrator offers to the reader regarding the sailors' state of mind. Particularly interesting, is the reference to the poem "Bingen on the Rhine". Until the correspondent must contemplate his own death on the cold and desolate seas, he does not realize the tragedy of a soldier of the legion dying in Algiers. Also, not only did he not realize the significance, he says that, "it was less to him than the breaking of a pencil's point"(385). Again, towards the end of the story, the narrator describes the bitterness the correspondent feels towards nature when he realizes that after all his efforts he may not live to appreciate his being. Observations such as these are not encountered frequently until confronted with death and the conveyance of these thoughts is insightful and meaningful to the reader. The only depreciative factor in the story is the length.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

alcohol :: essays research papers

Alcohol is a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which can be combined together in many different ways. There are many different kinds of alcohol, the commonest being called ethyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is present in varying amounts in beers and wines, and in distilled liquors such as whiskey, gin, and rum. Alcohol consumption touches many million people around the world. The use of alcohol depends on an individual’s social, cultural, or religious background. One of the earliest mentions of wine making is from an Egyptian papyrus dated 3,500 BC. However, alcohol drinking is thought to go back almost as far as the human race does. Alcohol has been central to social, religious and personal use all over the world throughout history. When an individual consumes alcohol there are both short term and long term effects. The most immediate effect of alcohol consumption is change of mood. Even though alcohol is makes you feel excitement, happiness and relaxation it is in fact a depressant. Alcohol in the bloodstream causes impairment of motor co-ordination and slows down central nervous system activity, which gives the impression of clumsiness and can lead to alcohol related accidents. The more intoxicated a person has slurred speech, blurred vision and the loss of balance. Furthermore it switches off the part of the brain that controls judgment which can result in greater risk taking. However drinking in very large quantities can damage vital bodily functions which may lead to coma, or even death. Alcohol also impairs the memory of an intoxicated person which reduces the drinker’s ability to remember information that he or she has learned before going out for drinks. In addition, the attention span of the drinker radically decreases for periods of up to forty-eight hours after drinking. This may affect the academic performance of a student and his or her ability to study in class. Furthermore consumption of alcohol can damage the functioning of the immune system. Hence, this will increase the chance of getting colds and other diseases. Drinking for long periods of time can have harmful effects on the body, alcohol is in fact a poisonous substance, having it circulating in the body will contribute to severe intestinal dysfunction. However, alcohol alone is not the sole cause of these problems; it simply increases the risk of developing certain diseases/dysfunction such as There is no denying the fact that, Alcohol use is in excess in our culture. alcohol :: essays research papers Alcohol is a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which can be combined together in many different ways. There are many different kinds of alcohol, the commonest being called ethyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is present in varying amounts in beers and wines, and in distilled liquors such as whiskey, gin, and rum. Alcohol consumption touches many million people around the world. The use of alcohol depends on an individual’s social, cultural, or religious background. One of the earliest mentions of wine making is from an Egyptian papyrus dated 3,500 BC. However, alcohol drinking is thought to go back almost as far as the human race does. Alcohol has been central to social, religious and personal use all over the world throughout history. When an individual consumes alcohol there are both short term and long term effects. The most immediate effect of alcohol consumption is change of mood. Even though alcohol is makes you feel excitement, happiness and relaxation it is in fact a depressant. Alcohol in the bloodstream causes impairment of motor co-ordination and slows down central nervous system activity, which gives the impression of clumsiness and can lead to alcohol related accidents. The more intoxicated a person has slurred speech, blurred vision and the loss of balance. Furthermore it switches off the part of the brain that controls judgment which can result in greater risk taking. However drinking in very large quantities can damage vital bodily functions which may lead to coma, or even death. Alcohol also impairs the memory of an intoxicated person which reduces the drinker’s ability to remember information that he or she has learned before going out for drinks. In addition, the attention span of the drinker radically decreases for periods of up to forty-eight hours after drinking. This may affect the academic performance of a student and his or her ability to study in class. Furthermore consumption of alcohol can damage the functioning of the immune system. Hence, this will increase the chance of getting colds and other diseases. Drinking for long periods of time can have harmful effects on the body, alcohol is in fact a poisonous substance, having it circulating in the body will contribute to severe intestinal dysfunction. However, alcohol alone is not the sole cause of these problems; it simply increases the risk of developing certain diseases/dysfunction such as There is no denying the fact that, Alcohol use is in excess in our culture.

Communication Cycle Health and Social Care

P2 Theories of communication -The communication cycle Effective communication involves a two-way process in which each person tries to understand the viewpoint of the other person. † According to Argyle, skilled interpersonal interaction (social skills) involves a cycle in which you have to translate or ‘decode' what other people are communicating and constantly adapt your own. Communication is a cycle because when two people communicate they need to check that their ideas have been understood†.An example of good communication involves the process of checking understanding, using reflective or active listening. Argyle's stages of the communication cycle were an idea occurs, message coded, message sent, message received, message decoded, message understood. Verbal and non-verbal communication is not always straightforward. The communication cycle involves a kind of code that has to be translated. There are 5 stages in the â€Å"communication cycle† which are: 1. Idea occurs: this is the stage when an individual thinks what he is going to say and who to. 2.Message coded: this is the way that an individual puts his thoughts together with the way he is going to communicate, putting the thoughts into language or into some other code such as sign language. 3. Message sent: this is stage is when an individual speaks or sign what they are going to say, in few words is the way the message is sent. 4. Message received: this is where the person you are speaking to has listened to what you said and they have to sense the message by hearing or watching. 5. Message decoded: The receiver has to understand the message that the sender has just sent.This could be misunderstood easily by interpreting words differently or they might make assumptions about your body language as well as words. 6. Message understood: at this stage the message should be understood but it does not always happen at the first time, and if so the cycle needs to start all over agai n. Without just any one of these stages the cycle would not work. An example of a difficult situation is when your service user tells you they are in pain, but can’t describe the pain they are in.This is difficult because you need to understand what the pain is and what the source of the pain is so that you can resolve the pain and provide a diagnosis, so if they can’t describe the pain you are unable to do so. You can be asking simple questions which may help you understand what sort of pain they are suffering, also by feeling where they claim the problem is and you can see from their reaction if it is painful, but not inflicting too much pain upon them. Using the communication cycle effectively will help. M1 How communication cycle may be used to communicate sensitive issues. Ideas occur: the nurse will start thinking on how communicate to the wife and that she is going to be the one to tell her. She will ask herself what could be the best way to communicate and when and where she needs to communicate about the husband’s condition. This promotes effective communication. * Message coded: the nurse has thought about the ideas and has organized her thoughts; she knows exactly what she is going to say. She has to think about the voice tonality she should use in order to prevent the wife thinking the nurse is not bothered about the loss.Body language plays an important role and could show that the nurse cares about the situation. The nurse will start thinking about the language she is going to use and ask herself what the wife already knows about it e. g. the husband is ill. The nurse will take the wife through to a private room where it's only them two; by doing this the wife should know that the nurse is going to tell her something terrible, the seating would be a barrier if the seats are too far away from each other; the nurse should sit close to the wife. * Message sent: the nurse has now told the wife about her husband.She has used the c ommunication cycle to encode the information correctly and therefore, said something like â€Å"I'm afraid that your husband passed away last night in his sleep, we did everything we could to save him, we're sorry,† rather than something like â€Å"Your husband died last night,†. The first of which is a correct way of putting it, and the second way is a much more insensitive way of saying it. * Message received: now the wife has to sense the message the nurse has just sent her by hearing the words or looking at the body language. Message decoded: the wife now needs to decode the message or to interpret it. She has to observe the body language and the way the message is expressed by the nurse. * Message understood: at this stage the patient should have understood the message by the nurse should but this does not always happen at the first time and this can be identified from the wife’s reaction and behavior. If this does not happen the cycle needs to start all ov er again. P2 theories of communication/ M1 how communication cycle may be used to communicate sensitive issues. Tuckman’s cycle In 1965, Bruce Tuckman, an educational psychologist, suggested that most groups go through four stages in group interactionas and described them as Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. He did this after he had observed many small groups in various environments and concluded that all groups went through certain â€Å"stages† before they became optimally effective. Name of stage | Description of stage and scenario| Forming| The first stage is forming; this is an important stage because the forming of the team takes place.This stage is also called â€Å"ice-breaking† because it is a stage where all the team members get to know each other and become friendly, they are unsure about who everybody is and what their roles are. The individual’s behavior is driven by a desire to be accepted by the others, and avoid controversy or con flict. The psychologist, doctor and surgeon should meet and discuss about the situation, sharing informations concerns and questions. | Storming| The second stage is storming; at this stage the individual start to show their real feelings and their personalities too.This is because they start to relax and be comfortable around others in their group. Also others in the group may start to have conflict were they have different opinions about ideas, and they don't agree on others, relationships between members will be made or broken and some may never recover. In extreme cases the team can become stuck in the Storming phaseThe professionals starts questioning themselves what their role and duties in the group are or what they are responsible for. Each professional hould say what their solution is and how long it will take, followed by the risk that will come with it. This is a stage where patience is fundamental as there will be disagreements and they will avoid listening to each other ; this is the reason why it will take time. | Norming| As the team moves out from the storming phase they enter the third stage which is norming; this is when the group starts working as a team after having had their arguments and they start to trust themselves as they accept the vital contribution of each member of the team.The team members know each other better, they may be socializing together, and they are able to ask each other for help. At this stage they all should bring the ideas together and reach a conclusion on what they are going to do. They start working as a team and must agree with the decisions made, and if they do not agree they should at least follow the team to avoid the time being wasted. They need to take in consideration how dangerous the procedure will be. Performing| This is the last stage. Many groups never reach the performing stage. Everyone knows each other well enough to be able to work together, and trusts each other enough to allow independent activit y. There is a high level of accepting others, listening to others, and helping others. Performance is delivered through people working effectively together. The team has come to a conclusion and their plan will be applied soon. A timeline needs to be made | Communication Cycle Health and Social Care P2 Theories of communication -The communication cycle Effective communication involves a two-way process in which each person tries to understand the viewpoint of the other person. † According to Argyle, skilled interpersonal interaction (social skills) involves a cycle in which you have to translate or ‘decode' what other people are communicating and constantly adapt your own. Communication is a cycle because when two people communicate they need to check that their ideas have been understood†.An example of good communication involves the process of checking understanding, using reflective or active listening. Argyle's stages of the communication cycle were an idea occurs, message coded, message sent, message received, message decoded, message understood. Verbal and non-verbal communication is not always straightforward. The communication cycle involves a kind of code that has to be translated. There are 5 stages in the â€Å"communication cycle† which are: 1. Idea occurs: this is the stage when an individual thinks what he is going to say and who to. 2.Message coded: this is the way that an individual puts his thoughts together with the way he is going to communicate, putting the thoughts into language or into some other code such as sign language. 3. Message sent: this is stage is when an individual speaks or sign what they are going to say, in few words is the way the message is sent. 4. Message received: this is where the person you are speaking to has listened to what you said and they have to sense the message by hearing or watching. 5. Message decoded: The receiver has to understand the message that the sender has just sent.This could be misunderstood easily by interpreting words differently or they might make assumptions about your body language as well as words. 6. Message understood: at this stage the message should be understood but it does not always happen at the first time, and if so the cycle needs to start all over agai n. Without just any one of these stages the cycle would not work. An example of a difficult situation is when your service user tells you they are in pain, but can’t describe the pain they are in.This is difficult because you need to understand what the pain is and what the source of the pain is so that you can resolve the pain and provide a diagnosis, so if they can’t describe the pain you are unable to do so. You can be asking simple questions which may help you understand what sort of pain they are suffering, also by feeling where they claim the problem is and you can see from their reaction if it is painful, but not inflicting too much pain upon them. Using the communication cycle effectively will help. M1 How communication cycle may be used to communicate sensitive issues. Ideas occur: the nurse will start thinking on how communicate to the wife and that she is going to be the one to tell her. She will ask herself what could be the best way to communicate and when and where she needs to communicate about the husband’s condition. This promotes effective communication. * Message coded: the nurse has thought about the ideas and has organized her thoughts; she knows exactly what she is going to say. She has to think about the voice tonality she should use in order to prevent the wife thinking the nurse is not bothered about the loss.Body language plays an important role and could show that the nurse cares about the situation. The nurse will start thinking about the language she is going to use and ask herself what the wife already knows about it e. g. the husband is ill. The nurse will take the wife through to a private room where it's only them two; by doing this the wife should know that the nurse is going to tell her something terrible, the seating would be a barrier if the seats are too far away from each other; the nurse should sit close to the wife. * Message sent: the nurse has now told the wife about her husband.She has used the c ommunication cycle to encode the information correctly and therefore, said something like â€Å"I'm afraid that your husband passed away last night in his sleep, we did everything we could to save him, we're sorry,† rather than something like â€Å"Your husband died last night,†. The first of which is a correct way of putting it, and the second way is a much more insensitive way of saying it. * Message received: now the wife has to sense the message the nurse has just sent her by hearing the words or looking at the body language. Message decoded: the wife now needs to decode the message or to interpret it. She has to observe the body language and the way the message is expressed by the nurse. * Message understood: at this stage the patient should have understood the message by the nurse should but this does not always happen at the first time and this can be identified from the wife’s reaction and behavior. If this does not happen the cycle needs to start all ov er again. P2 theories of communication/ M1 how communication cycle may be used to communicate sensitive issues. Tuckman’s cycle In 1965, Bruce Tuckman, an educational psychologist, suggested that most groups go through four stages in group interactionas and described them as Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. He did this after he had observed many small groups in various environments and concluded that all groups went through certain â€Å"stages† before they became optimally effective. Name of stage | Description of stage and scenario| Forming| The first stage is forming; this is an important stage because the forming of the team takes place.This stage is also called â€Å"ice-breaking† because it is a stage where all the team members get to know each other and become friendly, they are unsure about who everybody is and what their roles are. The individual’s behavior is driven by a desire to be accepted by the others, and avoid controversy or con flict. The psychologist, doctor and surgeon should meet and discuss about the situation, sharing informations concerns and questions. | Storming| The second stage is storming; at this stage the individual start to show their real feelings and their personalities too.This is because they start to relax and be comfortable around others in their group. Also others in the group may start to have conflict were they have different opinions about ideas, and they don't agree on others, relationships between members will be made or broken and some may never recover. In extreme cases the team can become stuck in the Storming phaseThe professionals starts questioning themselves what their role and duties in the group are or what they are responsible for. Each professional hould say what their solution is and how long it will take, followed by the risk that will come with it. This is a stage where patience is fundamental as there will be disagreements and they will avoid listening to each other ; this is the reason why it will take time. | Norming| As the team moves out from the storming phase they enter the third stage which is norming; this is when the group starts working as a team after having had their arguments and they start to trust themselves as they accept the vital contribution of each member of the team.The team members know each other better, they may be socializing together, and they are able to ask each other for help. At this stage they all should bring the ideas together and reach a conclusion on what they are going to do. They start working as a team and must agree with the decisions made, and if they do not agree they should at least follow the team to avoid the time being wasted. They need to take in consideration how dangerous the procedure will be. Performing| This is the last stage. Many groups never reach the performing stage. Everyone knows each other well enough to be able to work together, and trusts each other enough to allow independent activit y. There is a high level of accepting others, listening to others, and helping others. Performance is delivered through people working effectively together. The team has come to a conclusion and their plan will be applied soon. A timeline needs to be made |

Monday, September 16, 2019

Consider William Blakes presentation of love in the poem The Clod and the Pebble Essay

(b) Paying close attention to language and form, write a critical appreciation of the following poem, considering William Blake’s presentation of love in the poem ‘The Clod and the Pebble’. The Clod and the Pebble â€Å"Love seeketh not itself to please, Nor for itself hath any care, But for another gives its ease, And builds a Heaven in Hell’s despair.† So sung a little Clod of Clay 5 Trodden with the cattle’s feet, But a Pebble of the brook Warbled out these metres meet: â€Å"Love seeketh only self to please, To bind another to its delight, 10 Joys in another’s loss of ease, And builds a Hell in Heaven’s despite.† The ostensible cuteness of the poem The Clod and the Pebble perhaps masks a more morbid and deeply cynical assessment of love by the poet William Blake. Initially, the contrast between the clod and the pebble’s speeches on love might encourage a positive response to the clod’s optimism about how love can rescue us from even the most hellish position. The pebble’s pessimism about love, on the other hand, is unpleasant and unsettling, but it’s also a more accurate reflection of the brutal nature of the world as it is depicted in the poem. Blake’s presentation of love, then, is ambivalent. While the ideal that love is able to overcome any circumstance is appealing, it might not be a realistic assessment in the context of the world’s cruelty. Blake’s personification of the clod and the pebble captures two very different human experiences. We are told that the clod is â€Å"trodden with the cattle’s feet.† With the word â€Å"trodden† Blake captures the experience of continual hardship, and being repeatedly downtrodden, subjugated and abused. There is also tactile imagery of weight and pressure from the â€Å"cattle’s feet,† restricting the clod and forcing it into a new shape. In this way, the clod is described as though it experiences human suffering. It makes us think about someone who has had to become flexible to fit the continual hardship of their circumstances – reflected in the physical properties of a soft clod of clay. It is then pleasantly surprising that the clod sings about love in the most optimistic way. On the one hand, the clod’s optimism concerning love is deeply admirable, and the parallel structure used to present this speech alongside the pebble’s emphasises that optimism in the most appealing way. The clod states that love â€Å"builds a Heaven in Hell’s despair,† while the pebble states that it â€Å"builds a Hell in Heaven’s despite.† The clod speaks from the context of a hellish existence that entails pain and suffering, and endows love with the capacity to transcend such an experience and create a heavenly existence of joy and happiness. The pebble, on the other hand, speaks from a comparatively heavenly existence and instead endows love with the capacity to corrupt that existence with the pain and suffering suggested by the word â€Å"Hell.† Our feeling that the clod is admirably optimistic ten evolves into a feeling that we too want and even believe that love will rescue and provide solace to this figure. Conversely, the parallel structure also helps to emphasise the pebble’s pessimism. The clod declares that â€Å"love seeketh not itself,† while the pebble answers that â€Å"love seeketh only self.† The phrases â€Å"not itself† and â€Å"only self† create a clear juxtaposition here of the two views of love. The first underscores it as essentially selfless, while the other underscores it as absolutely and solely selfish. Moreover, while the clod sings happily about how love â€Å"for another gives its ease† the pebble responds with how love â€Å"joys in another’s loss of ease.† The clod’s words suggest an action of willing self-sacrifice, while the pebble’s words suggest a selfish acquisition that leaves another diminished. Of course, the pebble’s view means that there is no hope for the clod and that love in fact provides no Heaven. Furthemore, the pebble’s assessment of love is deeply cynical and ugly. It is, however, true to both its own experience and that of the clod. The clod is â€Å"trodden† upon while the pebble is â€Å"of the brook.† We imagine a gentle and tranquil existence within the soft current of a stream. Traditionally, however, rivers also symbolise a journey from innocence to worldliness. The water represents the experience that flows over us during life, leaving us more aware. This experience has left the pebble implacable. We imagine someone who has become hardened from experience – and this is reflected in the physical properties of the pebble. Now the water is forced to bend around the pebble, just as the clod must bend around the feet of the cattle. This is a depiction of the world’s harshness and cruelty, and we cannot help but appreciate that it is the pebble’s assessment of love that more accurately reflects it. To conclude, perhaps the poem is as much about idealism and realism as it is about love. Love, after all, is subject to our tendency to be both idealistic and realistic. Ultimately though, it seems that the depiction of the world as harsh and brutal confirms a negative view of love as equally harsh and brutal. At the very least, the poem encourages us to be ambivalent of love and not suppose it to be a kind of saviour capable of transcending all.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

John Steinback’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ Essay

John Steinbacks ‘Of Mice and Men’ is a tale of two travelling workers in the harsh depression years of 1930s America. Steinback uses a ‘Cyclical Structure’ upon finishing the book I noticed many similarities between the first and last chapter. The first similarity was the location. In Chapter One Steinback mentions a deserted place near a non-flowing pool, and then introduces both Lennie and George, the same happens in the last chapter but this time Lennie is alone having run away from the ranch. Lennie is shown to the readers as simple-minded and so Steinback uses this to an advantage; ‘His huge companion dropped his blankets and flung himself down and drank from the surface of the green pool; drank with long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse†¦ Lennie dipped his whole head under, hat and all, and then he sat up on the bank and his hat dripped down on his blue coat and ran down his back†¦ Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water and wiggled his fingers so the water arose in little splashes; rings widened across the pool to the other side and came back again, Lennie watched them go. ‘Look George. Look what I done.’ Steinback mentions the drinking of the pool water later in Chapter Six. The second similarity that I noticed was of the dream that Lennie and George shared. Just like a little child, Lennie likes the idea of their dream and asks for it to be repeated on numerous occasions. The most significant times are mentioned in the book; at the beginning where they both feel that they are able to achieve the dream and at the end, just before George shoots Lennie. Lennie has this ‘problem’ where once he holds onto to something he can’t let go. In Chapter One George and Lennie are running away from a ranch in Weed, due to Lennie holding onto a girl’s red silk dress, as he felt the silk, the girl thought that she was going to be sexually assaulted and so panicked. She ran off to tell the other ranch workers giving George and Lennie time to run off. In the Last Chapter Lennie runs from the Soledad ranch to the brush area because he killed Curley’s wife. Having to put up with Lennie’s bad behavior, George feels pressurized and so says that he could live a lot better without Lennie; ‘Why, I could stay in a cat house all night. I could eat any place I want, hotel or any place, and order any damn thing I could think of.’ This is all mentioned in Chapter One and in the last chapter George’s feelings are represented by Lennie’s hallucination in the form of Aunt Clara; ‘ And then from out of Lennie’s head there came a little fat old woman. She wore thick bull’s-eye glasses and she wore a huge gingham apron with pockets, and she was starched and clean. She stood in front of Lennie and put her hands on her hips, and frowned disapprovingly at him. And when she spoke, it was in Lennie’s voice. ‘ I tol’ you an’ tol’ you,’ ‘ I tol’ you â€Å"Min’ George because he’s such a nice fella an’ good to you† But you don’t never take no care. You do bad things. † You never give a thought to George, he’s been doin’ nice things for you alla time. When he got a piece a pie you always got half or more’n half†¦ All the time he coulda had such a good time if it wasn’t for you. He woulda took his pay an’ raised hell in a whorehouse, and he coulda set in a poolroom an’ played snooker. But he got to take care of you.’ Knowing that he has done something bad this time, Lennie reflects back the entire saying’s that him and George said before going to work on the ranch in Soledad. From the Ketchup argument Lennie threatens to leave George and climb up into the mountains, yet again in the last chapter he threatens to go off into the caves to ‘Aunt Clara’. Steinbacks use of language describing the water snake and the heron gives the reader a very secretive message; If your not careful something bad may happen, and just like the watersnake being caught by the heron, the watersnake represents Lennie and the heron represents George.